Dell R420服务器中,比较经常出现idrac无法连接,或者连接用户数超限(RAC0218错误
该版本的bug fix中提到过一点:
- Fix for issues that cause iDRAC7 sluggish responsiveness after a prolonged period of time (approx. 45-100 days, depending on the usage). In some cases, if the iDRAC is not reset, the iDRAC may become unresponsive and requires a server AC Power on reset. This issue was introduced in firmware release 1.50.50 and fixed in 1.56.55.
RAC0218: The maximum number of user sessions is reached.
- 长按前面板i键20秒,idrac会重启初始化 (建议使用这种方法,无需重启服务器)
- 关机后拔掉电源线,长按电源开关按键15秒,再插上电源线开机
tftp server准备
- 1.57.57
- 1.66.65
- 当前最新版2.30.30.30
- 支持HTML5 virtual console and virtual media
wget http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER02171695M/1/ESM_Firmware_XH6FX_LN_1.57.57_A00.BIN
sh ESM_Firmware_XH6FX_LN_1.57.57_A00.BIN --extract ./idrac7-1.57.57
cp ./idrac7-1.57.57/payload/firmimg.d7 /var/lib/tftpboot/dell/idrac7-1.57.57
- 通过iDrac7 Web GUI升级
- 通过ssh登录升级
ssh root@iDrac_IP
racadm fwupdate -g -u -a $tftp_server_ip -d /dell/idrac7-1.57.57
- 通过racadm命令行升级
racadm -r iDrac_IP -u root -p calvin fwupdate -g -u -a $tftp_server_ip -d /dell/idrac7-1.57.57