cloudSky's 小站

Error: 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd [SOLVED]

Troubleshooting seccomp filter sanboxing with vsftpd 3.0.x The following error may occur on ftp clients with vsftpd 3.0.x: 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd This is caused by seccomp filter sanboxing, which is enabled by default on amd64. To workaround this issue, disable seccomp filter sanboxing: echo 'seccomp_sandbox=NO' >> vsftpd.conf service vsftpd restart For further information, refer to Red Hat bug #845980.

在 OpenResty 中使用正则表达式

在 OpenResty 中使用正则表达式,社区中推荐的做法是使用 api。比如匹配一个字符串是否为 http(s) 的链接,可以这么写: local function is_http_url(s) return, [[^https?://[\w-_?.:/+=&#%]+$]]) end 压测一下: local t =


列表项由数字、字符串组成,统计重复项 >>> from collections import defaultdict >>> d = defaultdict(int) >>> for x in [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]: ... d[x] += 1 ... >>> dict(d) {1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 2} >>> >>> c = defaultdict(int) >>> for y in ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'c']: ... c[y] += 1 ...


scrub ceph-osd会定义启动scrub线程,扫描部分对象(哪些对象?),和其他副本比较,发现是否一致。如果发现不一致,ceph会抛出这个异常

ceph pgs inconsistent

OSD扩容后出现如下错误 HEALTH_ERR 2 pgs inconsistent; 320 scrub errors [root@ceph01 ~]# ceph health detail HEALTH_ERR 2 pgs inconsistent; 320 scrub errors pg 10.9 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [6,0,9] pg 10.10 is active+clean+scrubbing+deep+inconsistent, acting [2,6,4] 320 scrub errors 修复处于不一致状态的pgs [root@ceph01 ~]# ceph pg repair 10.9 instructing pg 10.9 on osd.6


按照官网的步骤走的话,在 标记osd为out 和 从crushmap删除osd 这两步都会触发数据再平衡,如下方式只触发了一次迁移,建议使用。 调整o